You need to think through what the problem is telling you. Remember, you have three heats: qcalorimeter qwater qmetal Each one of these q’s is determined by the equation q = (m) x (c) x (deltaT) When you are given the mass of the calorimeter, that’s the “m” in the equation for qcalorimeter. When you are give...
You can find denatured alcohol at any hardware store that sells paint. It will be called “denatured alcohol,” “denatured ethanol,” or “denatured ethyl alcohol.” It does not need to be 100% alcohol; it can be 70% or more. Also, isopropyl alcohol, which is only 5% alcohol, is not the same and should not be used. You c...
The MircroChem experiments are noted in the text with an icon shown on the top of page vii of the textbook. Also on page 646 of the text, as part of the index, all of the page numbers are listed for the 14 MicroChem kit experiments referenced in the course. ...
For experiment 9.1, you can substitute lye, which is sodium hydroxide. You will also need lye for experiments 2.1, 10.3, and 13.1. You can find lye by performing a simple internet search for caustic soda, lye, or sodium hydroxide. You can also try this link: [What Is Caustic Soda and Where Can You Get It?][1] [1...
Here is the pattern we try to follow on all of our solutions. If all of the math operations are the same, i.e. all multiplication/division or all addition/subtraction, then we will not round until the very end of the calculations. If the math operations switch, i.e. switches from multiplication to addition, then we wil...
Typically, students either forget the rule that the atom with the most unpaired electrons goes in the center (thus C is in the center) or they put too much stock in their Lewis structure and do not go through the VSEPR reasoning to get the shape of the molecule. Basically, the Lewis structure has a C in the middle an...
The reason you do not know how the “2” got into the chemical formula for the salt is that you have forgotten what you learned in Module 5 (pp. 175-180). When H2SO4 gives up its two H 1+ ions, the only thing left is SO4 2-, the polyatomic sulfate ion. The K is in group 1, so in ionic compounds, it takes on the charge 1+...
Isotope is a RELATIONAL term. There is NOT one “normal” version of the atom and then everything else is an isotope. Instead, ALL ATOMS with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are isotopes. Think about it this way. Suppose you had a group of men in the room, and I asked you which ones were brot...
Certainly, the lab equipment is not what you will find in a classroom, but most homeschooling parents do not have the thousands of dollars it would take to obtain the proper glassware and chemicals. Even then, it would be illegal, as you cannot order the proper chemicals without an OSHA-approved storage facility and th...
Some students have trouble with this experiment. Some never get the temperature to stay constant at boiling, while others can’t get the temperature to stay level while the ice is melting. The most common problem is that students heat the beaker too quickly. If heat is supplied faster than your stirring can distribute i...