On our website you will notice that this curriculum is listed as our 8th grade course. We do, however, believe it is a strong enough course to be used for high school credit in 9th grade. Ultimately it is the parents’ decision as to whether they use this curriculum for 8th or 9th grade, and we support that choice eith...
Yes. If you need the course descriptions or content for transcripts, NCAA forms, or anything else, you can use the scope and sequence document on our [Curriculum Path web page][1]. If you need a course that is not included here, you can use the course description available on our website for each individual title. You...
**We recommend biology in the 9th grade for several reasons:** * Taking biology at the same time as algebra will allow all of the prerequisites for later science courses to be met. * Science-oriented students should have at least one college-level science before they head to college. By taking biology in 9th, che...
The course sequence for junior high and high school science is below. It includes both the science and math prerequisites for each course. **[Course Sequence Chart][1]** Please note: Marine Biology can be taken any year after Biology has been completed. [1]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2ntl7s52wzex2x/Apologia-...
Apologia recommends that _Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, _2nd edition, be studied at the same time as biology in 9th grade. This is not a requirement, however. A **maturity level,** whether it be in middle school or high school, that is able to comprehend and sensibly discuss a whole-health course coveri...
The answers to the On Your Own questions are located in the textbook at the end of each module. ...
Apologia is known for its strong commitment to publishing curriculum of the highest quality. This means we will continue to present excellent, Creation- based content in textbooks and notebooks marked by outstanding design and durability. Our decision to switch to softcover textbooks for our award- winning high school ...
There are no prerequisites for _Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, _2nd edition. ...
Though we have nested _Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition__ _within our science department, it is not to be considered a lab science. There are no experiments with lab reports. ...