To understand these kinds of problems, you need to remember two things about gravity: 1. Gravitational force is proportional to mass. In other words, if I increase mass, gravitational force increases. More specifically, if I multiply the mass by 3, for example, the gravitational force also gets multiplied by 3. If I ...
This is just like the gravity problems in Module 11. The electrical force depends directly on the charge involved. Whatever you multiply or divide the charge by, the force must be multiplied or divided by the same number. The force is also inversely related to the square of the distance. If you multiply the distance by...
The important thing to remember is that (mass) x (acceleration) is equal to the TOTAL force. What is going on in the example? The worker is pushing, and friction is resisting. Thus, there are two forces. They work opposite each other, so the TOTAL force is F total = F worker – Ffriction When you multiply by ma...
Here are some references on radiometric dating: [The Radiometric Dating Game][1] [Assumptions of Radiometric Dating][2] [Radiometric Dating][3] Institute of Creation Research. _Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth. _ Woodmorappe, John. _The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods. _ [1]: http://www.trueorigin....
Most nails are made of iron or steel, which is mostly iron. Thus, iron nails can be purchased at virtually any hardware store. Just ensure that the nail you purchase is not galvanized (coated) and does have any other coatings. ...
The earth does not fall into the sun because it has its own velocity. The gravitational attraction between the sun and the earth is strong enough to keep turning the earth so that it moves (almost) in a circle, but it is not strong enough to pull it in. The same is true of the moon. It has its own velocity, which keeps...
You can find weather data at** [Weather Wunderground.][1]** Put in your zip code, and then when it finds your location, scroll down to the “History” section. You can view a detailed summary for any day of the month when you click on “Calendar View” in that section. If you click on the “Hourly” tab at the top of the pag...
When sliding down a slide, you pick up a certain amount of static electricity. When rubbing the balloon against your hair (as you did in the experiment), you pick up a different amount of static electricity. It turns out that the amount of electricity in the experiment is significantly less than what you pick up when g...
To access the links mentioned in the Physical Science Student Notebook, use the link below. There you will find all of the links mentioned in the Student Notebook. [Physical Science 2nd Edition Links][1] [1]: ...
This is one of the most important distinctions in physics. It is really important that you understand the difference between velocity and acceleration. Sure, the ball has a higher velocity, but absolute value of the velocity does not affect acceleration one bit. Look at the definition of acceleration. It is the CHANG...