If you have trouble seeing organisms in this experiment, it is usually because of lack of patience or improper focus. * Make sure you stay at LOW POWER while you scan the slide. Scan it SLOWLY, looking for little dots that move. When you find them, ONLY THEN should you go to higher magnification. You will spend the...
Yes, it has. It has been observed both in the lab and in nature. It would be impossible to list all confirmed examples of microevolution, but here are a few. 1. Bacteria have acquired resistance to viruses [Luria, S. and Delbruck, M. (1943) “Mutations of bacteria from virus sensitivity to virus resistance.” Genetics ...
When plasmolysis occurs, the water in the cell gets pulled out. You will see this as the cells getting lighter and lighter, as the organelles are pulling together in response to the cell losing water. Please do an internet search for some excellent pictures on plasmolysis. ...
Yes. The beet plants might end up with purple leaves at some point. You can just count them as green leaves if you want. The purple is the result of pH changes in the leaves. ...
Your student will not need to know that specific information for college, but college will require a lot of memorization. Memorizing the bacteria classification scheme as shown in Table 2.1 gets the student used to the idea of memorization. The best way to tell what the student is expected to memorize is to look at t...
Although a mule cannot have offspring, it still satisfies the reproduction criterion for life because its cells reproduce. In order to grow, repair damage, etc., the cells of all multi-cell creatures reproduce quite often. Thus, the mule has the ability to reproduce at the cellular level, which satisfies the criterion....
Septate hyphae are not necessarily non-aerial. ALL hyphae are either septate or non-septate. Those are the two ways that cells can be arranged in the hyphae. Thus, there are aerial hyphae which are septate and non-aerial hypha which are also septate. In the same way, both aerial and non-aerial hyphae can be non-septate...
There are some alleles which are incompletely dominant. This happens in blood type, for example. There are three alleles: type A, type B, and type O. A and B are dominant over O. Thus, if your genotype is AO, or AA you are type A. If your genotype is BO or BB, you are type B. If your genotype is OO, you are type O. How...
Yes, it can. In fact, it works a bit better than dish soap. ...
No. The presence of DNA is only 1 of 4 conditions for life, as spelled out in Module 1. Please note that the presence of RNA is NOT a condition for life, so the viruses that use RNA do not even meet that criterion. **Remember the other 3 conditions:** * Ability to sense and respond to the surroundings * Abili...