Here are some references on radiometric dating: [The Radiometric Dating Game][1] [Assumptions of Radiometric Dating][2] [Radiometric Dating][3] Institute of Creation Research. _Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth. _ Woodmorappe, John. _The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods. _ [1]: http://www.trueorigin....
Alum can be found in most supermarkets where the spices are sold. It is used to make pickles, for example. It can also be found in drugstores, where it is used as an astringent. You will need about 10 tablespoons for the experiment. ...
To access the links mentioned in the General Science Student Notebook, use the link below. There you will find all of the links mentioned in the Student Notebook. [General Science 2nd Edition Links][1] [1]: ...
The disorder is called neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT). It is very dangerous, as the child can die from internal bleeding. ...